
We make our customer our priority but we understand that you can’t help all the people all the time. If we don’t meet your standards within the first 30 days of inital purchase we will give you a refund for the original payment, no questions asked, no hard feelings.

We aim to make the refund process as painless as possible. We will refund the subscription price paid not including any one time payments. The refund request must be submitted to support within the first 30 days of inital purchase. Your refund will go to the original payment method.

Refund Process

To request a refund, email us at [email protected] with your invoice number and our support team will assess your request and assist you with the next steps.

If your request is accepted we will process your refund or exchange. Please allow at least 30 days from us accepting your request for your refund to be processed.


For questions relating to our refund guarantee, please contact us at [email protected]